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Handy Guide
EPOS / Training Tape Transcipt (Jan1998)

Sharp ER-A850 Handy Guide ▷ View online

server would have to enter their password before the function could be
We will learn more about the security aspect in a later section where
passwords and authority levels will be covered.
This ends the server file explanation.
The next section on the sub menu is table file.
The functionality of the tables on these machines covers everything our
customers have requested. For example you can start a bar transaction
then  when the customer asks for this to be transferred to a table it is
just a case of pressing the table number. the screen then prompts the
server to confirm.
There are a host of other features related to the tables such as
displaying all open tables with one key entry.
Merging tables, Splitting tables, Reports for  table analysis and so on.
The table name can be up to 21 characters long this will be printed on
the kitchen printer informing the staff where to deliver the meal to.
There is a selection for each table to be account type yes or no.
You would set up the table for account type no, if it is to be used in a
restaurant application. This would then inform the Server, if tables are
left open when taking a close session report, giving the server a chance
to finalise this table if require.
On the other hand  Account type would be set to yes if the table was to
be used as an account customer or a hotel room, When a close
session report is taken Account types remain in the system without
informing the server on screen. 
The final selection on the sub menu is bar-code file in this area you
would assign bar-codes to product codes.
You can assign more than one bar code to each product this is to offer
more flexibility.
This completes the programming under file maintenance.
You may now want to perform some of the jobs to get some practice
and perhaps answer any questions that mat have been raised.
The other area of programming we need to look from the main menu is
system configuration.
We will now look into this area.
Once the system configuration has been selected a sub menu will
appear this will contain 9 choices.
The first selection is modifiers these were mentioned in an earlier
section when the product file was covered if the product code ended in
any number other than zero  then this became a modified product.
We used an example of lager and half lager where the lager was
product number 10
and the half lager was set up as product number 11.
If the Server presses modifier 1 key before the product 10 key then
product 11 will be sold similarly if modifier 5 key is pressed before
product 10 then product 15 will be sold and so on. This means that the
products can have individual prices set  against them.
The 9 modifiers then have a quantity set against them such as 0.5 for
halves, or 2.0 for double, or 3.0 for something like jug of beer, or 0.75
for child portion of food and so on.
This information can then be used for report purposes.
For example when taking a product sales report the report can show
that you have sold 1.5 lagers or if you choose it can report 1 lager and 1
half lager has been sold.
This depends on the report the server selects.
If the end key is pressed then the sub menu can be displayed.
This ends the modifiers programming field
The next choice on the menu is payment types.
There are 16 payment types, these can have a description of up to 21
It should be noted the payment type 1 should be used for cash and
payment type 2 as Cheque the others, between 3 and 15 can be set as
Once you have entered the payment type screen you will see that each
payment type  can be configured for various settings to be allowed or
not allowed, they are,:-
Over tendering
Change to be given
 to be given if change is set to no and gratuities no then any
Over tendered amount will appear as surplus on various print outs.
a selection of Drawer to open for this payment type
Maximum limit can be set for example 50 pounds for Cheque.
EFT. Set to no or yes. If yes was selected this would mean that when
this payment key is used the Server will be asked to carry out the
procedure for an electronic fund transfer from a credit card.
And the final setting is whether or not this payment type is to be set as
This would then appear on the reports as a non bankable total.
Payment type 16 is reserved for hotel transfer or post to room.
This payment type is intended to be used in conjunction with hotel
reservation software that will be run on a remote computer.
When this method of payment is used then the Server will be prompted
to enter a guests room number when this is entered the details for that
room will be brought from the computer and displayed on the EPoS, the
details will include the room number, whether the room is occupied or
not, the account holders name, and a booking reference.
I will discuss the availability of this and other software in a later section. 
Again after making your selections pressing end will save the details,
pressing end again will take you back to the system configuration sub
The next selection from this menu is number 3, which is Function
In this section you will gain a pretty good understanding of the majority
of the functions on the EPoS, as each of the function keys will be
Before individual keys are explained I will explain the four different fields
that are displayed for every function key .
They are Authority level, password, audit and  log.
The Authority level was mentioned earlier in the server file section.
The authority level you would enter here would be between 0 and 5.
If this level is higher than the one set against the server, then the server
can not use this function.
If the authority level is the same or lower, than the one set against the
server, then this server can use this function.
As an example you may only want Server 1 to perform a void
transaction, in which case set the void transaction function to a 5 and
Server 1 authority level to a 5, all other servers would be set lower than
5, this would then prevent them from carrying out the void transaction.
The password would be set to yes, if it was required that the server had
to enter their password before this function could be carried out. You
may remember that each of the Servers have a 3 digit password set up
in the server file.
A practical example of the benefits of passwords would be if a server
accidentally pressed a different server key, and then tried to perform a
no sale, they would have to know the 3 digit password of that server to
perform the function.
The audit and the log have a similar function. If the audit is set to yes for
a function then each time that function is pressed it will be printed on the
audit printer. The log set to yes would be Similar except instead of
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